Beware of Micromax funbook

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Micromax

Buyers of Funbook tablet pc sold by Micromax be aware of the following. The tablet PC will connect to only Tata photon data card, for which you need to contact the micromax’s customer care for registering the product ID in their systems after receipt of the product. There is no guarantee the customer care center will do this registration, as in my case I have called atleast 25 times, sent atleast 20 mails in this regard. While there was no response to emails (not even the customery automatic receipt report), the calls will be replied as “your request shall be passed on” even at your 20th call. There is no way to reach any senior official eigther, and the device may lie useless. The device and it’s applications prompts for registeing with the company, without internet connection you may not able to do that also. Needless to say the tablet pc is of substandard make, with poor touch effects, poor resolution and very inadequate battery life. I am in the process of suing the cheaters, anyone else with the same experience are welcome to join the legal process.


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