BEWARE : Dhanvi Design offers Jobs but stops the pay after some months.

Location/place: Hyderabad

Name of company/service: Dhanvi Design

I have worked for around 8 months as a executive, but after 4 months they stopped my payments. later I came to know that this is the case with all the employees. First they offer you a job, saying they will provide you a Samsung galaxy tab n 20 thousand per month.After 2 months they takes the tab back. Payment which was done, was in cash. No cash receipts or pay slips. Then they stop your payments and will make you leave the job by yourself. Pathetic management. So I warn each and everyone to beware of this company, and dont fall for 20k job with a Galaxy tab.
This guy calls himself as the MD of Dhanvi.


5 responses to “BEWARE : Dhanvi Design offers Jobs but stops the pay after some months.”

  1.  Avatar

    Oh yes!!! That’s true. I was with the company from the beginning. Didn’t imagine that i will see the name of the company like this.The management should have been into politics than to fool people around like this and play with their emotions.Not only me every other employee here did suffer either because of the no payment or because of the fake management behavior. What they tell is totally different from what they do as what politicians do generally. Their words would definitely reach stars as they act to aim much and try to put that into the employee’s mind so that he/she should feel proud to work with such company…but the *ing truth is that those words will vanish just like that within few days and all that is said is nothing but a cluster of concoctions. Sorry to use such language but that is what i’m going through right now and will never ever forgive such people in my life!!!!

  2.  Avatar

    Thank God i dint join this firm.My interview helped me alot in taking one of the best decisions.It so happened that I saw requirement in facebook and called these people and I was called for an interview the very next day at 10 am.the next day when i reached office and saw interiors, i was absolutely disappointed.there was nothing available except for 2 tables with 4 chairs and surprisingly they call themselves interior designers.i was there waiting for the person to take my interview. neither did he turn up nor he send any message for me inspite of knowing from his colleagues that i was waiting for him .i waited for him till 7 in the evening and one of the employees (kindest person i must say) tells me that interviewer wont be available and i need to come next day.again the next day when i was there, it was the same story.i was waiting for him and suddenly a person comes and shouts at the employees saying this fellow doesn’t answer phone and doesn’t pay the balance amount and curses the company for being cheated for a large amount and it was like i almost decided not to join this company and in the process of waiting, i got to know from the people over there that they were not paid their salaries for months.that was it……i decided to call it quit because i would never want to join a company which is in debts and where the management is absolutely least bothered about its employees.And i didn’t even appear for the interview, before he could come i was already out of it.i really thank for the worst experience i had before joining, which was an eye opener for me.people be very careful before joining this company.i really pity those who work there.

  3.  Avatar

    This guy has opened new firm with the name of Ranadheer enterprises and is doing fraud business again, every one beware of working with fraud guy.
    he will go to any length for getting new business and after that wont even care to finish the project

  4. Guys,
    I am Jaipal Kondapalli, if anyone wishes a clarification on the above mentioned grievances please write to me on [email protected]. I am very sorry for what has happened with the above Anonymous writers who have mentioned me in their grievance. I can recollect who the few of them were. I write back this revert as I have done business with few individuals and our association went Topsy purvey. Never it was intended to misguide someone in the name of Job or Employment. Having said that, I have paid initially when we did well irrespective of the performance but at a later stage the non performers were asked to resign as we could not afford to have non performing assets even after 4 months of support extended to them.

    The one who writes about the Job Interview and his experience, I dont remember you nor wish to recollect who you were. Please be minded we were a start up then and all we could afford was what you saw. Being start up we could afford freshers mostly who commented the way you heard. Anyways good luck for your future.

    I am definitely sure about the Anonymous writer here who calls me a fraud and mentioned the name Ranadheer Enterprises. To you sir, please be determined in what you need along side your project I have executed 32 others, here I found only you writing about how I work. You can never expect to take advantage of being sober and nothing comes free apart from you have paid for. Stop cribbing and have fun, good luck to you.

    Having lately came across this. I have the needed courage to publish myself nor I am a cheater so I need not hide my identity like anyone above. Have anything to speak please write back on the above mentioned email.

    Good Luck to everyone, have a successful life.
    Jaipal Kondapalli

    P.S: I also had an option which I did not prefer was to praise while calling myself Anonymous. Better stand up if you have a honest grievance.

  5. Ved Aitharaju Avatar
    Ved Aitharaju

    Oh yes this guy has a long history of cheating he is continuing till now… these days he has gotten into the film business using his family connections and has indulged in various fraud practices from years now. He has cheated me for an estimated total of 30 lakhs… We were supposed to do produce a movie together trusted him because of his family background. By Gods grace I pulled out after realising he gave me false accounts and pocketed the entire money, he didn’t even pay the crew, not even lightmen and played so many lies. I have all the proof and with all decency I asked him true accounts, he blocked me and Never Responded… When I insisted on solving this issue amicably, he threatened me with violence. This idiot survives despite cheating so many of us because he uses his family’s political connections to intimidate the weak, he hides under the garb of Communist criminal muscle… He can threaten people with violence all he wants, but truth will come out… I’m brave enough and daring enough to share my story… If any harm of any nature happens to me, it is because of Jaipal Kondapalli … Still I don’t give a damn Jaipal… All you can so is threaten and continue cheating people one day you’ll face the music and that day is coming soon! B

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