Location/place: Navi Mumbai
Name of company/service: Tatasky
Below is the complaint that is filed with the company.Kindly get it resolved.
“My ID No. 1033337617
Dear Sir,
I am lodging a complaint regarding the services on my TV. For about the past 10 days or so I am getting the message that the signal is not being received and that I should wait for the weather to improve. I was informed by other residents that they are receiving the TV signals. I lodged a complaint with your complaints cell. They informed that a technician would be visiting and rectifying that defect. After two days the person came and told that the repair that he would do on Tatasky account would not last for more than a few hours and that we should pay him Rs.700/- and then the repair would last long. True enough the TV again showed the message that the signals are not being received. Another complaint was lodged with you telling the operator about the technician asking for money to do the job. After another two days the same technician came and told us that if we do not shell out the money to him the repairs would not be resolved. The matter was again reported to your call centre and they promised to send some one to repair the fault. After another two days we got a call from one Imtiaz Sheikh informing about him imminent arrival. We are still awaiting his arrival. Today I received an SMS from your end informing that the work order has been completed by installer Imtiaz Sheikh and by another SMS I was informed that I would me charged Rs.150/-. This sort of irresponsible behavior form your call centre is totally unacceptable. MY TV IS STILL NOT RECEIVING ANY SIGNAL AND TATASKY EXPECTS ME TO PAY FOR THE SERVICES NOT RENDERED. I want an advice from you on my next course of action as I am totally frustrated. If you are unable to provide the services can you suggest some other better service provider for me.
With best regards”
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