Bank unable to help me to trace my missing amount.

Location/place: Mumbai/Powai

Name of company/service: L&T


I have gone to a hotel along with my friends to treat on my birthday and once we had our dinner, I had gone to pay the bill using my SBI Debit Card ( mestro Card ). There was amount in the my savings and there should not be a problem. But when hotelier ( foodland, chandivalli ,Mumabi ) tried using the card, it Declined. He tried again two times and it decliened again. Then it was a tough time for me to ask my friend pay for it and I felt humilated. Next day I called SBI customer Care to complaint against this and they told I need to wait for one more day as it takes a day to refund sometimes. I completed 2 days waiting still the money has not refunded to my acct. When today I approched Bank in SakiNaka, the first question from Manager over there was home branch. When I told Bangalore, he told me to lodge complaint there only. In this regard, I would like to complaint against the bank for following reasons.

1. Ignoring the loss of customer money because of using thier card

2. Humilation I had undergone when the money which I supposed to pay was not availble because of SBI thierd class service

3.The interest they accumlate with this kind of techniques from crores of people all over india. I am just one case, we never know how many have lost money in this way. It looks like a big scam for me.

Still now I havnt got my money yet and trying to figure out where exactly my money gone.

[email protected]


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