Balance deduction

&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Location/place&lt;/b&gt;: Mumbai&lt;/p&gt;<p><b>Name of company/service</b>: Loop</p>I wants to Activate a BBM service on a Blackberry device which cost Rs. 399 I was ask to Recharge of 444 for the full talktime n received the same (Your account has been recharged successfully with Rs 444.Transaction Id is 2845591235078075.Special offer.Get Rs 1000 local minutes on RC 209.Hurry.) N then I was asked by the loop Agent to send SMS on 50505 with command BIS which s did (Dear Subscriber, your BIS_UNLIMITED is now activated, you have been charged Rs.0. Validity of the service: 2012-12-15 21:47:22 to 2013-01-14 21:47:22.) But due to Technical Glitch the system dint deduct the Balance for the Card n after next day onwards I was Charged Rs. 15 each day for the service n then I called 10 times to Loop nobody is their to answer the call n the agents keep on disconnecting thr call n whn gets connected n ask for the supervisor they deny stating they r not available I want u to please take necessary action againts the company and do the needfull.


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