Location/place: nagpur

Name of company/service: Adonis Electronics Pvt.Ltd.

we have bought onida T.V 2 years before, 6 months before there has being a prob of picture tube, so we repaired and paid Rs. 2600 for it just coz the man who repaired the T.V gave a guarantee of 4 years..his name was Gautam…and now there was some problem with the zoom…so again we gave for repairing…but it has being over 1 month…no feedback form this service center…we continuously calling and asking for it…but they give only an assurance..but never take seriously…they said there is a problem with its picture tube..but now they saying after a month that the telivision is having a problem…common if you can’t give a service properly..atleast dnt give any assurance to any costumer…kindly take some strict action’s regarding the services…..people who provide onida service their name’s are gautam & prashant….take some action against this people too


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