Bad DTH services by Airtel

This is a mail I wrote to Airtel after which I never got a reply or a resolution. Moreover the response (also copied here) shows the insensitivity of the service provider to their customers.

Forwarding my earlier mail again, as it may have not reached the proper channels.

On 18-Jan-2016, at 10:27 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Hi, this is Abhinav Singh Bisht. I have a DTH connection under account number: 3001053172-001. In my recent calls to your company helpline (121) that is, total 3 calls made. I have repeatedly asked you to remove HD pack from my package, which I never subscribed to in the first place. I was told all 3 of the times that it has been done and I shall see the service processed in next 24 hours.

Calls made on 121 from my registered number;

January 12th, 2016 at 20:59
January 13th, 2016 at 15:48
January 15th, 2016 at 12:18

Kindly note, this is the 4th and the last notification that I’ll be sending regarding this issue. I am laying down some queries that I have regarding the conduct observed so far:

1) Why am I subscribed to HD pack, when I don’t even have an HD TV?
2) How many times do I need to take the time off my busy schedule to ask you guys to turn off one service that I don’t need?
3) Will you show the same generosity that I showed by not making the point (1) an issue in paying back the sum of services that I couldn’t have possibly enjoyed?

I like Airtel’s service, I find it professional and healthy. But this experience has been the other way around. I can only subscribe to services that I can afford.

Hoping for a quick, smart resolution,

Abhinav Singh Bisht
[email protected]

On 18-Jan-2016, at 11:17 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Igonre this response.
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