Name of company/service: STATE BANK OF INDIA
Myself Govardhan Dwarika Gupta. I am holding an account (Bank A/c. No – 30027881597) in State Bank of India ,Kandivli west, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
On 04th june 2012, I tried to withdraw 500 rupees four times. But on the second time, I did not get the money. Transaction no.: 1259, ATM ID: S1OA000078239. However there was debit of 500 rupees from my account, I got SMS alert also. Response at the end of this transaction was “TRANSACTION TIME OUT”. There was problem with ATM (IT WAS SLOW)
For first & third transactions done in morning and fourth transaction done in evening I got money. I got SMSs for these particular transactions. There was no credit for the second failed transaction till the evening of 04th june. I called customer care. They assured me that I would get the money back within 2-3 days.
On 07th june, I saw my net baking account, on which it is being shown that there were five transactions (WITHDRAWALS) in spite of only four (three successful and one failed). For the fifth withdrawal I neither got SMS nor there is a transaction number for the same on online banking account. There is a credit of 500 rupees back shown in my online banking account, with no transaction number. On 07th, June, I lodged a complaint to customer care, with ticket number AT11855092146. But I did not get my 500 rupees till now. On 10th, when I called customer care, they are not listening to me.
Now I do not have any hope from customer care people as usual.
Please look into matter and kindly solve the same problem.
Regards: Govardhan Dwarika Gupta
Mobile: 09892542152
E-mail ID: dr_govardhangupta@yahoo.com
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