This is with regard to inform you that i have already registered a complaint regarding INALSA FOOD PROCESSOR ie. INALSA Fiesta Food processor . The year of Purchase is 21/02/2014 vide invoice no. 201402210155.(Under Warrenty Period).
As i already discussed earlier the respective product has been purchased from Star CJ Alive to which i am facing a lot of troubles to which i have already made complaints many times to INALSA Company.
As its already in your knowledge that i am fed up of the services provided by the inalsa company.
And till now after so many days, no one has visited our house in order to deal with it which has been the most intolerable behavior done from their side.
This is the fourth time in 9 months that I am facing a trouble from this product which seems to be like this is totally a second hand product because not even a single first hand product can be so worst which can require service in every third month and not even a single motor can be so worst which get collapsed in every three month like this product does.
Hence this piece seems to be totally defective to which I cannot deal with anymore.
Now I am not at all interested in dealing with such a worst as well as careless and pathetic company which provide this kind of defective piece to their well known customers.
I think the respective piece is totally second hand piece as if at the time of its delivery itself I noticed a crack in its lower part for which the very same time it was opened in front of its delivery person and the accused i got was that it is totally a delivery problem and we cant deal with this problem. I totally ignored at that time but now its been hell for me to deal with this company as well as its employees.
So, you are requested to please refund my money in order to get me free of this company. I am not at all interested in dealing with them anymore.
In order to give justice to us you are requested to kindly deal with this company very strictly for which no other consumer like me gets in trouble provided by this company and if possible please impose a huge cost on them so that they cannot do this kind of behavior to their customers anymore.
I will truly be grateful to you for your support.
Hari Narayan Arora
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