Sir I placed an order with online shopping for a product “CAR JUMBO KIT Item No 9021 vide Order No9610217 Dated 21.06.2014. The cost if the product was Rs.4398/- . When I received the product I found 5 (five) Items inside the parcel and there was the MRP Sticker pasted in each packet which are as follows:
1. Hydraulic Jack: Rs.1000.00
2. Bit & Socket Set: Rs. 400.00
3. Car Air Compressor: Rs. 700.00
4. Car Tyre Rep Kit: Rs. 299.00
5. Car Vacuum Cleaner Rs. 299.00
Hence the total amount for the product stands to Rs.2698/- now after adding Rs.399/- as Freight Charge the Total Amount stands to Rs.3097/-. But the company has charged me for Rs.4398/- overcharging for Rs.1301/-. I had complained several times, provided all the information to the company like images of MRP Stickers, my Bank details etc,but as of now it seems that company has blocked my mail ID and as such there is no response. Please help me and also take action against the company.
Thanking you.
Sandeep Bhattacharjee
Lumpyngngad, Motinagar
Nongthymmai, Shillong 793014.
PH: 9863167607 / 9774218806
Mail: [email protected]


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