Airtel – to recover unrealted due bill – Their Torture crossed the limits

Location/place: Sadashiv Nagar

Name of company/service: Karnab Web Marketing Service Pvt. Ltd.

The Consumer Forum
Kaveri Bhavan

Sub: Airtel – Torture for recovery some unrelated due bills amount.
Dear Madam/Sir,
Airtel landline number 080-41135076. We had placed a request for disconnection of the above mentioned number with Airtel through email [email protected]/com on 19th/24th November 2011. From day one 24th November onwards I have been following up with Airtel for disconnection and refund of deposit amount, but till date July 25, 2012 I have been receiving calls and recovery agents visits every alternate day saying there is a bill amount due of Rs. 9,657/- (the Airtel in-spite of my request for disconnection they have been generating bills nonstop. All these 8 months (Nov 2011- July 25th) the Airtel executives have called up for retention offer, recovery department, and more various department and now also legal department calls – they have called me day and night – in middle of meeting, in middle of working hours, in middle of travelling, in middle of eating, in middle of seminar and so on – the Airtel team really made my life hell. Every call I made sure the whole process was explained them then in depth and detail but none not a single executive took some extra initiative and tried to sort this out – every time there use to be a call from new person and every time I spent hours to –gather explain but all in vain – due to these calls I even lost my cool and behaviors – they have crossed the limited now….
Today they send me a legal notice – to appear in the court on 30th July 25, 2012 between 11am-4pm.
Now when this job of dragging them to court which I had to do from my end – they have started it, then let me face it but here I need your Consumer Forum help and support and in return apart from the deposit refund I need to claim 2,50,000/- (Rupee Two lakhs Fifty thousand only) in return from Airtel for all the calls I have made, emails sent to them in regards to follow-ups spending my valuable time for Airtel useless Management, and metal torture I have gone through that cannot be account at all.
Yours sincerely,
For Karnab Web Marketing Services Pvt. Ltd.

Narendra Sharma.


One response to “Airtel – to recover unrealted due bill – Their Torture crossed the limits”

  1. Narendra Sharma Avatar
    Narendra Sharma

    Now since I have submitted my complaint – what is the next action here from CF – do i get any request/complaint registered number of confirmation and when do I get to know or hear on my case from CF officials.


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