Activation of Plan And Deduction Of Money without any notice

Location/place: Banglore

Name of company/service: TATA DOCOMO


I have taken a Mobile connection Tata Docomo from Bangalore and its quite annoying that they are taking money from Mobile account without any prior notice and and my consent, They are activating many plans with out my permission and they are lying that it is subcribed from my side which i have not subcribed from side . And I complained numerous times and no action taken yet.

Please help.



Bablu Prasad


3 responses to “Activation of Plan And Deduction Of Money without any notice”

  1. Hi Bablu,

    We have received your complaint and we will ensure it is resolved soon.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO.

  2. Thank you sir…..
    for Taking action against this issue .

  3. Tata DOCOMO Avatar
    Tata DOCOMO

    Hi Bablu,

    The amount of Rs.10 has been adjusted in your number and the VAS service Aamir Khan Pack has been deactivated.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Customer Care
    Tata DOCOMO

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