Accrued Premium Service Account Benefits Cancelled

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: Linked In

About the Company: Linked In is the number one business networking site on the web. For those of you unfamiliar with Linked In, anyone can create an online profile that is equivalent to a resume or portfolio.

Context: Linked has the basic service and a Premium service. The Premium service has certain features such as Inmails (where you can directly message other people), access to expanded profiles etc.

I switched from the basic account to the premium account sometime last year and each month had accrued credits for using the InMail facility (where one can contact anyone on LinkedIn irrespective of the person being part of your network). Each month, a premium member earns 3 credits for using InMails. Each month that I was a premium account holder, I was charged Rs 1900/- a month.

I decided to revert back to a basic account. At the time of switching back, I had a balance of 19 InMails. Now, they tell me that I can no longer avail this InMail facility which I think is completely unfair to any customer.

A client should rightfully be able to avail the points / credits which he/she has legally earned. In addition, there is nowhere mentioned on their website that the InMails feature will be discontinued once the account changes. The customer service dept at Linkedin informed me that I can no longer avail these services. All I am asking for is to to let me avail the benefits I have earned.

Nishit Mehta
Email: [email protected]


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