Company claming as a same company of Tata steel limited

Location/place: Kolkata

Name of company/service: TSL ENTERPRISES

Above mention company(regd no-156-59/8745)contact no-09810648149.08130528218 is claiming as a same company TATA STEEL LIMITED.The company has send a training come appoinment letter for the post of production supervisor the company is asking to send a bank draft of Rs 2550(payble at delhi)for the training purpose.the matter is seems to be fraud and required investigated.and reply me in my mail id [email protected]


One response to “Company claming as a same company of Tata steel limited”

  1. Please tell me, TSL Ebterprises is a fraud company or not. The same appointment for the post of Clerk has been received. The company is asking to send a bank draft of Rs. 2050(Payable at delhi) for training purpose. Please tell me the matter is fraude or not. Please send your reply in my ID mail is – [email protected]

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