Refund of TDR filed

Transaction ID: 100000217117602
Train No./ Name: 02066/ERS CSTM EXP
PNR Number: 4407400373
Date of Journey: 04-May-2015
Date Of Boarding: 04-May-2015
Ticket Amount: 1315.0
Reason For TDR: Train Late More Than Three Hours and Passenger Not Travelled
TDR Filing Date: 04-May-2015 06:38:27 HRS
TDR Status: TDR Repudiate
Cancellation ID: 100000045838069
Registration No: MCR100515W08360
Reason for Repudiate TDR: As per chart, passenger has travelled

Mail sent to Railways

” Quote

Dear Sir,

With reference to the below TDR which was filed due to delay in
departure for the said train, the money has still not credited to my
account Kindly check and do the needful.

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Reply received from Railways

Dear Customer,

Your TDR has been rejected by Railways given the reason As per chart, passenger has travelled.
In conjunction with above statement we would like to pass one information that if you face any problem in E-tickets like cancellation & Online **TDR** Filing then you have to send mail to [email protected] from registered e-mail id and apart from these query **for booking related general queries like refund, ERS, online booking etc

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Reply sent for the same

Dear Sir,

Further to my trailing mail, I am surprised to see your reply that ” as per your record shows passenger has traveled” which is a wrong information and I would like to know from where you got this information as the passengers are still in Eranakulam. I am also wondering how could your chart shows the passengers travelled and in which case I would like to see the proof of it.

Just to give you a brief on the incident, we had reached Eranakulam South Railway station on 4th May morning at 5AM and got to know that the train has been rescheduled due to an issue in Kongan. Please find attached, the photo taken at South Railway station displayed regarding the same. We approached the inquiry counter (from where the photo is taken) with the ticket copy and informed our inconvenience to travel on the revised timing and requested for a refund of ticket. we were informed that we are entitled for a full refund and which is possible only through filing a TDR since the ticket was purchased through online and the refund will take at least a week. We had given the telephone number at the time of reservation but Railway didn’t had the curtesy to inform regarding the delay of a train that too more than 15hrs. After all the hassles that too at an odd hour, we came back and filed TDR as instructed by your counter at 638AM on the 4th May.

Hope the above briefing will help you to check your records and refund the cost of the tickets at the earliest.

Best regards

Kannan Iyer

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