Extra Downloading charges

This is to inform you that again Vodafone people are charging extra downloading charges of Rs.372/- for the period 03/01/2015 to 02/02/2015 vide your bill No.0256294985 dt.03/02/2015. I am using 2 GB data plan. I was surprised to note that extra amount has been charged again towards downloads/data uses, Where as i have used only 1.13 GB data in this months. Even my data was left un-used every month. w.r.t. 2 GB Plan.
I have already made complain regarding your extra download charges for the month Dec-14 and Jan-15 bill vide my mail dt.02/02/2015. You have also assured me that you will adjust that amount in my next billing amount. But in this month you have done the same thing again. I am using this No. Since more than last 3 years but i am facing this problem since last 3 months. You people are unnecessary harassing me.
I request to please wave off all this download charges from all my bill or i will force to go to consumer forum for this matter.


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