Non working of EPBX with TATA DOCOMO PRI lines

We have been using TATA DOCOMO PRI lines’scheme since last 2 and half years. This is 100 Line facility to be used with a suitable electronic exchange. We bought PANASONIC Exchange as per suggestion by TATA representative. Under the scheme we are billed certain minimum amount and we can make few thousand calls in a month. If we cross that number we are charged extra per call – which never happened as we managed within the liberal limit with commitment given by us.

Since Last One month we are not able to use the lines as EPBX is not functioning due to internal failure. This EPBX is under annual contract with same franchisee (M/S Swastik Technologies) through whom we bought the PANASONIC equipment.

We lodged number of complaints with TATA – but they could not resolve as – they would say it is EPBX issue and they can not help.

My point is – we bought the entire system as a package – if connected parties can not work with coordination – where does the consumer go?

Apparently some card has failed and it is not available with PANASONIC and hence for almost a month we have not used the telephone lines.

We requested Franchisee to connect the telephone lines directly to important points in office – so that connectivity is not lost. But that is not feasible in this system as per franchisee.

Now TATA DOCOMO bill has arrived and if we do not pay they will cut our lines causing further inconvenience in our business.

Hence we will pay – but we must be compensated not only by refund of the entire months’ calls charges but also the torture we had and loss of connectivity with many of our customers. Many of our customers are angry because of this connectivity.

Also point to be highlighted that about 10 days back I got a call from franchisee stating that repairing of Card is not feasible so new card will be needed. I agreed to pay Rs.3400/- for the same. But still he could not come because the owner of franchisee was not available in town and PANASONIC would not part with the card without payment.

This is absolutely ridiculous and unacceptable.

According to us all three parties TATA DOCOMO, PANASONIC, Swastik Technologies are responsible and they must compensate for the inconveniences caused by them.


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