Not getting CC,final building plan copy from Promoter

I bough a flat from “Lokenath Builders” last year.I booked the flat on 27th Aug.2013. And I got posession letter on 17th April 2014. At that time of posession letter they did not provide me the CC and final building plan paper. While I was protesting regarding that then they have given me a paper where they mentioned that that will be provided with in 2-3 months. But still they did not provide me the original papers.
Also they did not provide me the tax complition paper upto posession date.In the flat deed, mentioned that at north side there was 9ft space but originally this 9ft space is not available.The builders address is as below,

Lokenath Buildes
1/8 poddar nagar or 393/3f/3 prince shah road
Ph.- 9433266841,9831735245


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