Complaint against Tikona Internet Services for wrong billing

My friend Hudson Lima, who came to kolkata from Brasil to play football applied for Tikona Internet Connection on 15 Sept 2012. He paid around 9600 for one year subscription. He left the country in June2012 and the internet usage was stopped from that month though he had connection till Sept 2013. Since he was a foreigner , he used my cell number for registration of the internet connection. But suddenly in Oct 2013 I started getting calls from Tikona Internet Office that I need to pay them 9500(Another year bill) since the connection was an auto renewal. Though we didn’t know it because no one told us anything or gave us any terms and condition when the connection was taken. We also didn’t even apply for the auto renewal. As soon as I came to know about this after Sept 2013, I applied for disconnection. But still i get regular calls from Tikona saying that I have to pay the full year charge from Sept 2013 to Sept 2014 (Rs 9600). I told the Tikona office that my friend is in Brasil from June 2012 and since then the internet was not used and the flat where he was staying on rent was also left during June. But, Tikona is not helping me in this issue and they are calling everyday for that bill for the internet connection which not used since June 2013


10 responses to “Complaint against Tikona Internet Services for wrong billing”

  1. Abhijit p. Brahmanacharya Avatar
    Abhijit p. Brahmanacharya

    TIKONA INTERNET SERVICES is totally hopeless service in Hyderabad because This company is cheating with customer regarding Billing ,Unlimited usage plan for internate browsing and behaviour about senior staff working in tikona broad band office near Somajiguda Hyderabad.

  2. Tikona Care Avatar
    Tikona Care

    Dear Ritwik,

    Greetings from Tikona.

    We have noted your post. In order to assist you further, we would require your contact or Tikona User ID details. We have assigned a reference number # TIKDC0140 to your case. Requesting you to mention the reference number in the subject line while sharing your details with us on [email protected]

    Tikona Care

  3. Ritwik Mukherjee Avatar
    Ritwik Mukherjee

    the tikona id of my friend’s internet connection is 1107220138. Looking forward for help from Tikona.

  4. Tikona Care Avatar
    Tikona Care

    Dear Ritwik,

    Greetings from Tikona.

    Please be assured that your concern listed Nov 29, 2013 has been noted and our team is working on addressing the same.

    Tikona Care

  5. Tikona Care Avatar
    Tikona Care

    Dear Mr. Mukherjee,

    Greeting from Tikona.

    We tried reaching you on your registered mobile number however the number was not reachable.

    We would like to inform you that the CPE recovery clarification and full and final settlement of your account is in process. We will get back to you accordingly.

    For any further issues/queries, you can contact us on our toll free number 1-800 209 4276 or you can reach us at

    Tikona Care

  6. Ritwik Mukherjee Avatar
    Ritwik Mukherjee

    To Tikona Interner Office,

    Your engineer called me yesterday and I gave him address of the flat where my friend use to stay. He was staying there in rent , so I also gave him the contact number of the owners of the flat. Your engineer said that he will talk with the owner and he will collect all the internet device from there.

  7. Ritwik Mukherjee Avatar
    Ritwik Mukherjee

    To Tikona Internet Office,
    Your engineer called be 2 days ago and i gave him all the detail of the flat where my friend use to stay in rent. I gave him the contact number of the owner of the flat and your engineer said that he will visit the flat and take the internet devices.


  8. Ritwik Mukherjee Avatar
    Ritwik Mukherjee

    To Tikona Internet,
    Please stop giving treat calls from this no +911148006550 . This call is from a fraud company and the ask for out of court settlement . You already have harassed us with wrong billing and now you are giving treat calls. I want the consumer forum to take strong action against Tikona Internet . And about the collection of internet device, i have given the number and address of the flat where my friend Hudson Lima use to live to your engineer .

  9. Amit Saha Avatar
    Amit Saha

    Tikona internet is a fraud company. I have disconnected my connection in Oct, 13… but still i get sms now that i have to pay my bill.. And moreover after several complaints to the Customer care , but nothing has been done. Moreover i get threat calls from this no +911148484650. The caller says that he/she is calling from Delhi High Court and ask me to do the settlement outside the court or else they will file a lawsuit against me. SO i request the consumer forum to take stern action against this fraud company “Tikona”. And those who are viewing this comment should share this in social networks so that people come to know about this fraud company … Regards

  10. tikona customer Avatar
    tikona customer

    Tikona internet is a fraud company. doing threatening calls..

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