I have purchased Order NO:- 926019887.
Sub Order NO:- 58521453.
Product details SWIPE HALLO VALUE TABLET from HOME SHOP 18 vide order NO:- 30509483 having IMEI I:911300050223348 IMEI2:911300050233347.Delivery of unsealed tablet box in the sealed box of HOME SHOP 18.Instructed by the company over phone to keep fund ready for taking delivery.On opening of box have not received invoice,hands free and discount voucher.Tablet was received defective.Contacted local service center and they have sent the tablet to the company for repairing.Tablet could not be repaired.Company has declared that it is dead.Order of approval also submitted and inform by mail to contact dealer from where purchased.Now different representative of HOME SHOP 18 is replying at every time but they are not attending the problem in question.I have sent notice to the company address at Gurgaon by R.P.A.D. post but same is return with remark that company is not in existence at place.

Request to intimate HOME SHOP 18 to immediate sent replacement.Swipe company DOA all ready submitted by mail.



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