Non refund of money

Location/place: Dehradun

Name of company/service: University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,Dehradun.

Sir, I was doing my BA.LL.B from UPES Dehradun. This college had taken an additional amount of Rs13000 during the admission along with security money of Rs. 20000 and course fee. The industrial tour was supposed to be conducted during our course. But this college failed to do so within stipulated time. Now the course is over and all the students have gone back to their respective hometown or have joined in some organization. Our classes officily ended on the 25th of April. Suddenly after 6th May the college authorities have decided to conduct our tour and they plan to take us to Panipat. They sent mails to all the students stating that they had to confirm within 24 hours otherwise they would have waived their rights. And no refund whatsoever would be given. The tour would be conducted on the 14thof May.
Now they are stating that it is compulsory to attend this tour. It is intentionally done by this college as they no that nobody would be able to turn up for this tour in such a short notice as many people have either joined or will join in some jobs. In the past our college has threatened ous many times on refusal to give degree if we dont comply with their procedures. Now the students are scared for their future and are being manipulated to waive their rights and not also demand for refunds.

My complaint is that the college authorities have were supposed to conduct the tour during the course and not after it and the students should get their refunds.


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