<p><b>Location/place</b>: delhi</p><p><b>Name of company/service</b>: i.have.no.compain with sai ram</p>hi guys this is saurabh from delhi. i have join sai ram associates 84 gtb naga metro station gate no.3 near delhi university.
1. firsty i want say that everthing is written is in court agreement.
2. i have recived my payment couniously according.to my work.
3. i appreciate to.this company who.helps to needy person.
4. these company are totally geniune.they.having there reg number. i
dnt think that.its fraud.
sai ram associates is geniune company.
i want to req all the compitior of.this company dnt write any bad thing for.this company .its is very shameful.thing.to write any bad thing
sai ram associates 84 gtb nagar is geniune compsny.
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