System Upgradation responsibility

Location/place: Bhavnagar, Gujarat

Name of company/service: Tata Sky

From :
Kirtikumar Shankarlal Pandya
B/202, Shikhar Flats,
Takhteshwar Plot,

January 9, 2013

Tata Sky Customer Care,
P.O. Box 2424,
Banglore -560024

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Tata Sky Subscription ID No. 1029416409
Upgrade of Tata Sky Connection

This has reference to your letter ref. Nil dated 26-12-2012, received by me on 5-12-2012.

1. In your letter para 2 you have stated that “We understand that you are not in position to take advantage …. Do you have any documentary proof?
2. In your letter para 8, Since you have chosen not to avail the complementary ….Do you have any documentary proof?

Please allow me to state that you are operating in non-constitutional procedure. One fine morning I receive a phone call from you stating that Tata sky is upgrading their system. No clarification was given regarding limit of responsibility. Within one day service order is issued and within next two days two Tata sky technicians come to my residence and try to dump a roll of cable and tells me that I have to install the cable.

I told them that since I was going out of station from 15-12-2012 until 5-1-2013, I can think of doing anything will be after that time.

I fail to understand why customer has to install the cable when Tata sky is upgrading the system for the better of their business and revenue increase. Even If I agree to install the cables you must make agreement with me and give reasonable period to organise the activity.

Now you are sending a unilateral letter without following a democratic procedure and documentary proof. Therefor I have no option but to involve Ministry Information and Broadcasting and consumer forum for this matter.

Please note that if I do not upgrade, I will be watching less channels and hence less revenue for Tata Sky. Also I always have an option of switching to other such service provide who offer better deals.

Sincerely Yours,

(Kirtikumar S.Pandya)
Cc : Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Grivance cell, New Delhi
Consumer forum


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