Not getting better services from Fame Vijay Mamta Multiplex

Location/place: Nashik Maharashtra

Name of company/service: Fame Vijay Mamta Multiplex

Respected Sir/Madam,

This is to concern with the movie ticket id 000458, 000459, 000460 of Fame Vijay Mamata Multiplex Shivaji nagar nashik puna highway Nashik. Maharashtra. Date 21st march 2013. Show time was 7.50pm.

1) When we concfirm the show from the customer care of fame multiplex, they said that the shwo will start at 7.50pm, but when we go to the Fame multiplex We were updated that shwo will get cancel. Afeter talking to Fame executive the shows get starts at 8.15pm. Already delayed.

2) When we enterd to the multiplex and checked for our seats and found that the seats were full of dust. I ask the fame executive to why there is dust on seat? Fame executive replied all the seats are like this only if you want you can seat or as per your wish. And the fame executive just go with the others to check the tickets.

3) As Fame is saying that it is multiplex with full A/C, but we found there the a/c was off. None of the executive of fame mulitpex was bothered about the customer.

4) Inside the multiplex there are lots of mosqutio, and no precauution was taken from the Fame Multiplex Executive. When I update to one of the fame executive he started asking do you have tickete and raised his voice and try to ignore the complaint. When I ask for the manager he replyed manager went home. One of the security incharge mr. Jitendra Jagtap came and handel the issue and said that manager is comming. Manager come and said that we cannot do anything for for the mosquito as our pest control people not came. Further I have given a written complaint, looking towards the registered most of the complaints were unsolved and no feed back is given to customer.

Employee name:- Naresh.
Security Incharge:- Jitendra Jagtap was the witness for all the incident happen in fame multiplex.
Manager (TL):- Mukesh Bhalerao.
Fame Vijay Mamta multiplex.
Shivaji Nagar Nashik puna highway
Nashik Maharashtra.

Hope so you will take the action and update us regading my issue. Thanking you in advance.

Thanks and regards
[email protected]


One response to “Not getting better services from Fame Vijay Mamta Multiplex”

  1. Mahendra Avatar


    Is there any action take by senior authority of Fame Vijay Mamata Multiplex against their services and the misbehaviour of their employee ? any update ..

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