Incorrect Billing from Docomo on internet usage

I want to register a compliant against tata photon for generating a wrong bill.

My photon no is 9243373653.

My billing period is from 15th of a month to 14th of the next month.

I have requested for cancellation on JUlY 14 th 2014. My connection got disconnected in JULY 21st.

So according to my billing period the bill calculation should be only for 15th july to 21st july. But i dont see that happening. My bill amount was 648 which is more than half of what i used to pay for whole month(1057).

In the detailed billing section i could that
100% discount on Rentals {from 05/08/14 till 14/08/14}
which means that they have billed till august 5th. Ideally they should have billed only till July 21. but they have billed till august 5th.

I didn’t get any proper response for my query with the customer care. They say that bill generated cannot be reverted.

I have used the service for more than 2 years and i got fed up with the kind of response i get regarding the bill correction. I have written to Appellate Desk they gave a reply saying that Appellate Desk has been designed only to handle escalation complaints. They don’t value the customer’s compliant. i have written to [email protected], they told they will only remove my account from safe custody and get the disconnection done. They told i have to still pay the amount generated.

The billing is wrong and the bill should be only for what i used. The bill should be only for 15th July to 21st july. Please look into the issue and resolve as soon as possible.


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