Faulty window air conditioner

Location/place: Faridabad, Haryana

Name of company/service: HITACHI Window air conditioners

It has been 3 months now since I lodged my complaint in HITACHI customer service for a defective AC being installed in my home. After huge follow ups from company servive deptt no results are seen. After so many months still my AC is not rectified properly. I have gone through huge mental harrasments due to false commitments made by the company always. Company service deptt is not responding nor picking up my complaints. I have all proofs of their false commitments & agont my family has gone through all these months. I paid the amount in cash but of no use to me.


One response to “Faulty window air conditioner”

  1. Rajeev Kaul Avatar
    Rajeev Kaul

    All technicians visited time to time but detected new defects in their all visits. Still company is not bothered to replace the faulty window AC, HITACHI make.

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