DTDC Courier is the worst service provider

Location/place: Raigarh

Name of company/service: Nadvin Techlabs

I have booked a docket for kolkata and I was charged 800 bucks for it. Its since 11 days its not delivered and i am trying to track that in site also but its not showing anything. I was continous calling to this number of our local dtdc service provider 09300363768 which was switched off. Then we tried calling kolkata office number many times. That too ended with no response. Then I visited the office after getting frustrated. there one maam told us that docket is received at kolkata office but is not delivered to the site because address sticker got tored from the docket. It is to be noted that we have mentioned our address and phone number too in that docket so that they can call us anytime if they feel some problem regarding delivery. But we receive no call and when I told they you must have informed us about this then they said that why could we inform u, its your duty to line up your docket. I agree that its our duty to line up our docket but how could we know that the address got tored in docket. And the way we have sticked the address sticker in that docket we are sure that it cant be tore. Because of bad service they are making excuse. They then told us to message the address on their number. we have done that also and confirmed by calling them back whether the message was received or not and they replied with yes. few minutes later they called us again and said that message was not delivered and requested to send in another number. we have done that also. and we tried calling them for the confirmation whether they have received it or not but no one cared to pick the call. after getting harassed by the service we noted down the address in a paper and send it to their city office.

I wanted to file a case against them for harassing me to the extent. kindly let me know the procedure.


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