Location/place: Krishnagar Nadia

Name of company/service: Reliance GSM

This is Manmit Biswas from Krishnagar Nadia WB. I have a Reliance GSM connection which number 7679996902
I’m a 4 months user of this connection
Today at 7:30 AM (05/08/2012) when I’m trying to call someone I get a alert that “Your Balance is low” .
Its really shocking because last time its shown me near about Rs 48.00
When I checked my balance I realized that Rs 30.00 was deducted from my main balance without any information. When I checked my inbox there have 2 SMS 1st one send at 6:33 PM on 04/08/12 for notice me that I had subscribed a health pack .and second one at 9:16 PM on 04/08/12 for deactivation of this health pack . They decided that they do not provide this service but still they deduct balance from customer isn’t a dirty act?
I have a question that when I didn’t activated this pack then why Reliance GSM deduct my balance ?
I think this a really dirty trick to cheat there customer.
Why they losing my money and time ?
Last 6 hours I wanna try to connect with your customer care or Nodal officer (09832022168) both are out of service this is very painful for me. I can’t share my problem with Reliance.
Now need my Rs 30.00 back on my Account as soon as possible or I have to be leave my number to another connection for this bitter experience . Please do needful


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