Do not order from KOOVS nor use DTDC as Courier Service

Location/place: Mumbai

Name of company/service: DTDC and KOOVS

Never order from KOOVS since they use the DTDC Service and you’re never going to get your goods delivered! They’re the 2 worst Indian companies combined, along with the complete wrong attitude towards their own services.

I ordered an item from KOOVS and NEVER RECEIVED it. The same order is available on other on-line shopping stores that don’t even charge shipping costs. Koovs does and still you will not get your product.

I have been calling/mailing around since last 2 days and still am not getting anywhere. Support only replies with ‘Sorry for the inconvenience’ but no details of what is happening.

I get shipments faster from USA than a shipment from within India!

I just lost my money and I advice everyone NOT TO ORDER FROM KOOVS nor to make a shipment with DTDC.

Search around on the Internet. I’m not the only one!


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