Location/place: PUNE


dont listen to any good crap written about cobra/Appco group or any franchisee of support direct india pvt ltd..(mr.nikhil-CEO) and board of directors of cobra/appco group (Chris niorchos, Mike blane, tony fernendez and sai prakash) these people along with the owners of 81offices which is franchisee of support direct india with 81 owners in 81 offices in india make students fool in india and literally play with the careers..In pune franchisee of cobra is named Velocity and Tangent.. pUne is a hub for students who hold a degree of mba or engg.. these 81 groups in india recruit every body who comes for interview in there office even a 10th fail or 12 th fail and they also recruit Mba and engg along with them.. They tell we work for charity sector insurance and etc..
1) they give commitment they if you are selected you will be paid 12 to 15k/per month. which they dont give they pay you commision which is told in 7 days..
i.e in charity min donation is 1000rs, so for every 1000 collected you get 150-165
in insurance min policy starts 1750rs you get 230rs for a single [policy.
so average mba and engg guys end up in earning 7000 to 8000 in a month and the mode of payment is also something else the commision cheque comes every week.. and if you arent able to raise any funds or collect policy there no payment given to you. so people end is good if people leave early from this company.. because they are people here earning nothing and stay back for months wasting there parents money endleesly. there are example of such guys in every office in india.

2) These people tell about programs like B.D.M( which is commission based) and B.M (Salary based where un productive targets are said to the students.) here these owners wants every person to work for them for post of b.d.m not b.m.. theytell ourtraining is so effective thet you can become b.d.m in 5,6,8, months itself and you can earn 2 to 3 lacs every month..

3) and people end up in becoming b.d.m in 2 to 4 years of time..and the ratio of people into b.d.m is 0ut of 1000 only 1 gets into it.they make false relationship with people and motivate them by taking them to big parties restaurants, pubs disco, rallies every sunday night and make them fool..they only promote and give preference to those people who are rich from family, good looking, good personality. they tell it is performance based. believe me if you are handsome/pretty, good looking,rich you are sure to grow here.

4) why am against them because guys i was a part of this comapany, pune i worked there for 24 months.wasted my career as an engg and now and going to put a case because when you leave the company or take break they dont your hard earned salary/commision cheques.. these hardened money goes to the account of the particular owner and they lie to us that the donation cheque or policy is being bounced by the customer or they put the deals in somebody elses name.. also when people leave there company they speak bad about them telling that they are loosers in life, they lost a good oppurtunity or which company will make a owner. etc..please dont believe them. they also tell bad about jobs outside the market they tell 95% are working class and 5% are business class these 95% follows the rest 5% inn the world.. these are all bullshit dont believe..they have walkin 365 days in a year..

5) i am going to take severe actions against them..

Kindly people who are still in velocity , tangent , cossacks or any where with these groups in india read this please think about your parents,career the money which your parents spend on your development sacrificed there life in educating you..please for god sake respect them and come out of this spider web. people working in this company for more than 2 months comes to know everything about these companies and pleaase touch your heart and have you never asked money from youy family. plz dont lie to yourself. i touch my heart and tell i haved asked money from my family. now i have never asked from them.



  1. abhishek singh Avatar
    abhishek singh

    hey priyanka. even i wnt to expose these frauds. please contact if possible. i am from mumbai and they work here by different name.

  2. They make it worsen the student lifes please visit SCAM.COM for further cheatings of appcogroup in pune

    They may be different from one to other place but the finally wasting the hard work of students who came out with good desires and goals

  3. Hi I went through same ordeal please contact me … I was completely brainwashed ! Wasted 24 months also .

  4. Hello everyone.. Thank you to share your blogs in this forum. Even am also selected in last round of interview at pune but they havent discuss abt the salary, and they said me to directly join the office from today. I ask them is these field work? They are showing me one chart. But till I have not understood what exactly these firm is do. Even I ask them abt the weekly off one person said Tuesday and another said monday. So see how these people makes us fool. And Office is also very badly maintain by the management. Once again thank you everyone otherwise I will waste my time for this job.

  5. even i got selected. n same things happened with me. n after reading dese comments, i am so confused whether i should join this company or not. guys plzzz suggest

  6. I worked for cobra in the past and I do not agree with all.
    I think, Most of the comments are from the field representives. Now field representatives work under independant companies(not cobra) as a individual contractors. These independant companies work for cobra. If you have bad treatment by these individual companies then write to the UK/USA head office.

  7. Hi guys, i agree with u, even i wasted my time and money in this APPCO group, surely they are frauds who brainwash the students and ruin their career prospects. In Bangalore they are running in the names of ABSOLUTIONS, NIRMAL, CLEAR WATER, FLYOD. they make educated graduates to beg in systematic n in a posh way. these people has to be prosecuted. why nobody is coming out for taking legal action against them. i am ready to complain , if somebody supports me.


  9. Appco Group is just one tentacle of the direct sales cult know to some as Devilcorp. The BBC, The Guardian, The Daily/Sunday Telegraph, The Mirror, The Irish Examiner and The New Zealand Herald have written numerous articles about this organization. They are about to be investigated by the Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing in N.S.W.. It’s a top shelf company.

    If you go to you will find a plethora of links to news reports, government rulings, lawsuits and video footage showing how these people do business.

  10. is this true?


    Dear Candidate,
    Your resume has been shortlisted for the role of Business Corporate Manager/ Business Executive in Millionaires organisation.

    About Millionaires Company :
    So we select our new joinees as Business Associate and train and develop them holistically in all functional areas of Business Management viz. Marketing, HR, Finance and Operations over a period of 6-9-12 months as per the following Global Training Module (GTM):
    Business Associate => HR Trainer => Executive Team Leader => Assistant Branch Head => Business Head

    Key Responsibilities:
    1..Responsible for establishing and strengthening relationship with customers in Business.
    2..Following-up on leads of high net worth individuals.
    3.Require high-involvement with work site activities, also require to prospect in assigned areas.

    Ideal Profile/Applicant :
    1.Ability to influence and negotiate
    2.Strong business Intelligence and corporate Knowledge
    3.Working knowledge of computers
    4.Good Corporate Knowledge

    Job Specific Knowledge & Skills:
    1.Any Graduate
    2.Any Postgraduate, Post Graduation Not Required

    Selected candidates will be given their choice of rewarding career paths and opportunities to enhance both professional and personal growth.

    Steps of Development :-

    Level-1: Trainee Manager/ Business Associate (BA)
    Activity/ Task set: Client Representation and Servicing
    Functional Areas: Advertising/ Promotion/ Direct Sales/ Marketing/Business Development

    Level-2: HR Trainer, Executive Team Leader
    Activity/ Task set: Team Building & Management
    Functional Areas: Recruiting/ Training/ Development/Evaluation/Motivation/ Impact Running

    Level-3: Assistant Branch Head
    Activity/ Task set: Overall Business Management
    Functional Areas: Administration, Operations, Finance.

    Level-4: Business Development Manager (BDM)
    Activity/ Task set: Management of a Strategic Business Unit (SBU)
    Functional Areas: Operations, Administration, Team Management, Business Strategy

    Contact to-
    (HR Manager)
    (Call b/w 10AM to 6PM)

    Desired candidature is as follows:

    Experience: 0-2 Years
    Salary & Incentives: At par with the best in the Industry
    Job Location: Pune
    Age Limit- Below 30 years

    Interview Details-
    Date – 9th & 10th Dec 2014
    Time – 12pm to 3pm

    VENUE-Millionaires Org
    Office no-13+14
    2nd Floor, Sunrise Appt
    S.B.Road, Pune.
    NR Chatushringi Temple.
    Besides Lohia Jain Arcade

    Note- Don’t forget to bring this mail printout.

    (P.S: Please ignore this mail in case you have already received the call from our recruiter.)

  11. Appco aka Cobra profits by exploiting its employees period the end. The BBC, The Guardian, The Daily/Sunday Telegraph, Irish Examiner and The Mirror have written numerous articles about this business.

    They are about to be investigated by The Office of Liquor, Gaming and Racing in N.S.W.. the New Zealand government’s Commerce Commission found them to be ‘misleading’ while selling energy door-to-door. It’s a top shelf company!

    If you go to ,you will find a plethora of links to news reports, government rulings, lawsuits and video footage showing how these people do business.

  12. Hey thanks to all of u.. I got selected today and I got call to start from tomorrow. .
    and I don’t know how but when I m searching something on Google I show this .. and siriously first I was shocked.. but finally I realized that thank God to safe me.. and thanks to all of you to share this thing. . Thanks a lot. ..

  13. priya desai Avatar
    priya desai

    fraud fraud..totally waste of time… bunch of cheaters …

  14. Hi,

    I want to expose this Appco group companies. I went for interview company called Nirvana which is owned by Sukesh Khanna, which is part of indian appco group is big FRAUD . And we should complain and close down this organizations coz this people are taking money from normal people as charity and use for their own luxury. Fraud ppl and we should stop them. And height is they are posting Jobs on so here problem is even dont know who is posting jobs and they are wasting career of innocent students. I wanna see dis companies get exposed and closed down. And this owners of such fraud companies behind the bars of jail.

  15. First of all, for all the guys who got cheated by the appco group, I pay extreme sorry. And on the other hand, I thank you million times for the guys who sacrificed your valuable time, experience to show how cheating is this group. I’m the guy who is in the initial stage by completed the interview process as explained by you people. Dated 6th of September 2015, they asked me to join by Tuesday. And randomly to check the details of company I googled the company name. Luckily thanks to GOOGLE’S SUGGESTION, that even before I complete appco group, it suggested with appco group complains, appco group frauds and so on. This is how I found this valuable and precious page that taught me not to join this company and saving other poor engineering graduates from being cheated. And once again I thank each and every one on this webpage who shared your experience to save us. Thank you, thanks a lot.

  16. the appco group aka cobra ,Nirvana in Mumbai are big cheats..they cheat d employees as dis is to teach them abt leadership n al n ask dem to wlk door to door in d name of charity give presentation to d ppl n collect d name of cry n cif I.e. concern India foundation a charitable trust n fraud ppl.

  17. I got selected on 16/11/2015 and they told me to join by 21/11/2015 . I am confused. Please somebody help me.

  18. Hellow friends..i also got such mail for d post of BET, i m confused by all these comments..please tell me wht shoud i do..go or not to go for interview…plz tell me if any1 onln..

  19. guys even i am selected in millionaires organisation under the appco group in pune.

    but i am damn confused to join that company r not

  20. Hey guys even I worked in clear water in Bangalore…I was cheated ..
    lets come together and do something to stop dem

  21. evil_regex Avatar

    log rabee shaikh and dyandeep kasari…

  22. Amol suryawanshi Avatar
    Amol suryawanshi

    I also got call from pune office for the interview, thank you friends for surviving from this big fraud organisation they told me that you are short listed for the post of bussiness manager i was shocked because i haven’t completed the MBA course & still She is telling that you are eglible for the post of bussiness manager , While searching on google i got this valuable information about this fraud organisation which will distroy the life of needy students , guys please give the complaint against them who are hampered . Once again thanks friends

  23. Rahul Bhave Avatar
    Rahul Bhave

    Can i joined this appco company
    They give me offer

  24.  Avatar

    Hey guys hiii
    I got call from velocity organisation pune nd I dnt understand wht should I do. They told me for straight salary 2.4PA. Ï’am damn confused.

  25. josh barkar Avatar
    josh barkar

    I was join this company in 2013 and they told me after 8 to 9 month You become a BDM and i tolaly vest my one year in velocity organization, I found that they cheat every employee are working there and they don’t provide salary , torcher the employee mentaly , every day they decided goal and goal not completed ,they shouted and abuse word . please if you love himself or carrer dont join this velocity .

  26. Here my thought is why government is not taking action such proud company
    find the below address and take action on this

    Velocity Organisation,
    1st floor, pragya empire,
    above mulchand mithaiwale,
    model colony, deep banglow chowk,

  27. Ansuman Joshi Avatar
    Ansuman Joshi

    They said they’ll provide us a certificate after a month. Is it a valid certificate?
    I am currently preparing for MBA, and even I got selected there.
    I thought of working for a month and leaving with the certificate.
    What should I do.?

    Also, I want to know how these people earn money as they are quite well suited up and too professional with everything. And why are those 300 people still working there? I’m so confused!!!!

  28. MD SHAHNAWAZ Avatar

    I m fortunate enough that I have already faced one of this type of fraud in Kolkata who makes money in the name on donation but I didn’t join them hence saved my time n career.
    In Kolkata they are running their office namely quantum organisation at Shakespeare sarani.
    Company’s MD name Rohan Bipin pawar

  29. Guys even i was fallen into the trap ..i worked for 1 month in Visakhapatnam by the same Appco group sub division called Silverline Adv.I wasted time money everything so if people taking against them then please tell me even cause i too want to expose them spreding these fake things in my city.

  30. Sachin Mane Avatar
    Sachin Mane

    Fake company haii guys, upar jitna likha haii sab sach haii… i worked here for more than 3 months, in my down phase this guys waste my time and dis guide me. And literally played with my career. Its fake organisation, bunch of cheaters work together to fool students. Need to take serious action on them otherwise they will do this with other students.

  31. Guys This is Advocate Anuraj Dubey this is to update you all people that I am trying my best to get this appco shut down and will be doing it soon but I will be needing every ones help openly circulate that this company is fake and involve in prostitution as I am doing the same as no other way to open and show their frauds.
    save young girls from their trap

  32. Thanks guys, today I had a interview and they told same things. But your review has helped me

  33. Hehe I have tommow 19 December 2020 final round 3rd , they going to tell about job profile I passed 2 round … Thanks for u r comment every one I will going to get back who stuck in

  34.  Avatar

    Today i also got selected in velocity organization .they don’t even have any official website.i think they are network marketer 2.0 looting people like hell . please don’t join them

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