Coupon not received even after 5 months.

Location/place: Kolkata

Name of company/service: Times Of India

I am from Jadavpur, Kolkata, in March 2012 I have subscribed for Times Of India yearly coupon but till today I haven’t received the coupon, My subscription Order No. is 3658909 and the Cheque No. is 171326, my cheque was cleared from bank on 18 April, 2010 by Times of India. I have called customer care of Times of India several times, sometime they say I will get a call and they will delivery the coupon to me, sometime they say I will get it by tomorrow, every time they fail to deliver. I haven’t paid my paper bill since January because I was waiting for Coupon. Please do the needful.


One response to “Coupon not received even after 5 months.”

  1. Samir Thami Avatar
    Samir Thami

    The above complaint is lodge by me i.e. Samir Thami, my contact no. is 9804819366 and E-mail – [email protected].

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