Poor Landline Telephone Servise

Location/place: Kolkata (West Bengal)

Name of company/service: BSNL Kolkata

Dear Sir,

My name is Sanjay Sarkar and my BSNL Landline no. is 24935435

The Hand Set[Receiver] which is supplied by the Telephone Exchange at the time of installation.

Now, i am getting problem with the receiver as because it is not working.
I complained and told them to replace my useless Handset[Receiver].

I have complained but didn’t get any positive response in last 14 days. After that I personally talked with Mr.Das [Head of local telephone exchange(SARSUNA)] on 28 July,2012 at 11:15 A.M.
Surprisingly he told me, that he can not help me regarding this matter. then I go to main telephone exchange at BEHALA on the same day & complained to divisional head Mr.R.N. Mandal (DE/Outdoor).
Here also he told me, that he is unable to replace the fault telephone hand set. As because they do not have any Handset in stock. And he suggest me to purchase new Handset from the market.

Question is that,
this is not the question of money.
This is the question of service they are giving.

Please help me.
My contact number is 9830701178

Sanjay Sarkar
Sarsuna, Kolkata-700061


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