Location/place: NEW DELHI

Name of company/service: CPWD

Eight months back, I brought one Spice Mi-270 from a authorized distributor. But my handset had always gave me trouble, due to its faulty touch screen. Last month, this touch screen stopped working. Therefore, I had to visit Spice mobile service center at South-Ex, New Delhi. Service center took my mobile for repairing (my hand set serial no. 30100878C50306). After around 15 days, I got a SMS from service center to collect my hand set, as it had been repaired. When I went to collect my set, to my surprise, I got another set of same model, as I was told that my original set could not been repaired. After coming back home, when I inserted the charger in the new mobile, I found that it was not charging at all!! But, due to shortage of time, I could not go service center again for long time (around 1 month). Recently, when I went there in the center to get it repaired again, I was just shocked as the service engineer refused to accept my handset as according to their version the set was tempered (repaired from outside), when the actual fact is that the mobile is laying idle since I collected from the service center, due to its charging problem. Therefore, it seems that, during previous delivery, I got an already faulty & tempered mobile from the center!!
Now, I tried to contact the customer care several times, but all those numbers I got from Spice mobile site seems to be non-functional or wrong. So, my hope to get a justice seems to be very sleek.


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