Location/place: HISSAR(HARYANA)
Name of company/service: THE SCHOOL TIMES
Some days ago,In our village three four girsl of the company THE SCHOOL TIMES came to our village.They had some forms of that company and says to us that we are filling forms to give you a good job of about 8-12 thousands then I fill the form and on that form it was written that if you are not satisfy by this then you can get your money that is Rs 50. then I went to their office at DABADA CHOCK(HISSAR).Then a man said to me that with in 7 days you have a call from our headoffice then your money is given to you .then I go to the office again after about 12 days then he said to me call not reached to you then he said you call to headoffice I called by that no. that he give me than a lady is talking to me he said to me form is filled by you money is not given to you .that lady said 50 to nahi milange so I see in BHASKAR NEWS PAPER OF 22 JULY 2012 about CONSUMER COURT THEN I want to complaint against that company.In our village many forms of such type is filled.
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