Location/place: FEROZPUR

Name of company/service: SONY INDIA

Pl ref my complaint number 10661025 ,dt 08 july 12 ,regarding fault in my TV , Model number KV-XR29M80 ,Ser no 0706146, dt of purchase 07-06-2004 , nomenclature SONY CTV KV-X 29M 80-29″, PURCHASED FROM United General Agency, BIKANER. I want to register a personal complaint against the poorest service ever received by me from any manufacturer.I am apalled by the poor and non responsive attitude that SONY service centre at bhatinda has given me . I had registered my complaint on 08 july and till date the said TV has not been rectified. On 11 july technicians came from bhatinda and they did not bring any spare parts . After inspecting the TV they said that they would come with the required spare part when they would get upto three complaints from ferozpur somewhere by 16 july .When I had spoken to SONY customer care on 08 july I was told that my complaint would be attended to and fixed in next 48 hrs whereas these service centre pers conveyed a very differerent time schedule and conditions of coming on receiving three complaints and this very approach is totally unprofessional and against the philosophy of customer service as expected from any Japanese company. We purchase the product of Sony for good customer service and quality even though THEIR products are priced at a much higher prices as compared to any Indian ,Chinese or Korean company.This kind of service was not expected by me and for that matter any self respecting person .On 19 july another technician came from sony service centre ,bhatinda and declared the tv serviceable however after his departure tv again stared having same faults. On contacting he confirmed that he would visit on 21 july which he did not and when contacted promised to come on 22 july . After he spoke someone from sony centre bhatinda spoke and told me to get my tv in sony service centre bhatinda a distance of 100 km from ferozpur. This seems to be total harrassment of customer and i would request for due justice on that.

There is a full fledged show room of SONY in ferozpur so why customers are not being provided with more responsive services.Till date I have bought all major gadgets like Handycam, psp, camera from SONY but with this experience I am quite upset and scared with SONY brand.

I am sure no Japanese company ever provides such poor services as after sale services are very important issue of Japanese buisness culture.Despite writing to customer care sony they are non responsive . I want to know their mailing adress of top level mgmt who must be more responsive in improving sales and service of SONY in india and would take appropriate action against SONY SERVICE CENTRE BHATINDA which is a franchise owned by a local bhatinda person.


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