LIC Health Insurance and Its Fake Assurance

Location/place: West Bengal

Name of company/service: LICI

Dear Sir,
I am Aleya Khatun Hossain from Murshidabad, West Bengal and I am a policy holder of LIC’s Health Plus and my policy no is 426872678. LIC Health Product no is LIC 00023151A and Claim no is 01123460. The date of commencement is 2nd of July 2008, plan and term is 901 11 11 and the installment premium is 10000 INR yearly. And since 2008 I am bearing this policy and hence have deposited 40,000 INR already till now.
In November 2011 I had to undergo a major surgical operation. I was admitted in one of the most renowned nursing home in Kolkata and the operation and hospital charges costed me 53463 INR. As per the norms I claimed the amount just after I recovered. But they asked me same documents again and again though I submitted all the documents within time many times. Thus I was harassed like anything. After this so much chaos they sent me a cheque of 6900 INR saying that my ailment is not in their list. And they sanctioned only the bed charges. I am shocked and also disheartened. Though the major surgical benefits sum assured is 3,00,000 but for me it did not work and the reason they have mentioned is ridiculous. It will be really kind if you kindly help me in this regard so that I can get the exact amount I deserve.


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