Complain against none payment of claim after maturity.

Location/place: Dimapur

Name of company/service: Cosmic Negociators Limited

Dear Sir/Madam,

This to bring to your attention that a company is in operation in northeast of India with a name “COSMIC NEGOCIATORS LIMITED having its head office at Silchar (Development Authority Building, 1st and 2nd floor, P.W.D. Raod who convince people to invest money in there entity through their agents. They ask the consumer to invest against plot of land booking but they assure you to give value in return.
I have invested in their enetiy on 25/07/2009 under a plan no. IPP2Y6M with a menbership no. 998 as on today. As per there Registration letter claim is matured on 25/1/2012 which covers 30 installment at the rate of Rs. 500 each to be paid monthly and the maturity amount is 17250/- only.
They have stopped taking installment from the month of November 2012 with a excuse that some thing wrong is going on in accounts department..
Now sir/madam its more then 5 months they are not releasing our claim amount.

Kindly help me out to get this claim..

Gita Paul
Westyard Colony, Dimapur: Nagaland..


One response to “Complain against none payment of claim after maturity.”

  1. Gita Paul Avatar
    Gita Paul

    Kindly update me if any action is taken against them @ 8876514004 (Mobile)

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