Location/place: kolkata

Name of company/service: VODAFONE

I am amriteswar mahato profession of my Kolkata police. I am very shocked and disappointed to the service of Vodafone. I really need a help of my problem. I have email to in but they immediate step of my vodafone connection and disconnected my line in 04/07/2012 either they did not solve my problem nor any contact to my no.
Detail information of my problem kindly note that:-
1. I got a Vodafone postpaid connection in 02/06/2012
2. They generated a bill for my no in 10/06/2012 and that due date is 28/06/2012.
3. I have payment that bill in 27/06/2012.
4. Again they generated a bill in fifteen days at 27/06/2012 and that due date is 15/06/2012.
I told them and also send a email that why I shall pay my bill in use of only fifteen days and also write them immediate solve my problem otherwise disconnect my line. But they disconnect my line at 04/07/2012. I surprise that they not solve my problem but disconnect my line.
This incident I also forward a copy to trai and consumer court


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