Location/place: Bangalore
Name of company/service: Proffessional couriers
I had sent one courier on 09th May to Virajpet(coorg) from Bangalore through professional courier.
Till date the courier is not reached the destination and while I check their(professional courier)website they have have an update saying the courier has been recived at Virajpet on 10th May and again there is an update on 24th Jun saying received at Bangalore.
On doing contineous folow up with the customer care they were unable to trace the courier..
It is a waste of time and money. The courier was sent due to urgency, if not if would sent it through speed post..
Who will bare the cost due to the misplacement of the parcel and the kind of pressure we had to bare due to this..
My tracker number is Blr310277685(Professional couriers)
My mobile number is 9845511060
Hope you will be able to take this forward, since the courier company is least bothered about the issue..
Thank god I had sent few cloths with a value of aprox Rs 1000.
What would have happened if it was some genuine document which was not replaceable..
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