Complaint against M Tech Developers Limited for Cheating and Fraud

Location/place: New Delhi

Name of company/service: M Tech Developers Limited

Mr. Mahender Sharma
(Managing Director)
M Tech Developers.
ANS house, 144/2 Ashram,
Mathura Road, New Delhi-110014.

SUB- Complaint Against M Tech Developers Limited for non refund of payment.

Dear Sir,

This is to bring to your notice that I Brigadier S.K Aggarwal is a 70 year old senior citizen. I had invested my hard earned money to book a flat of 1500 sqft. @ 1250/- per sqft on 17th April 2006 with M Tech Developers. In this regard I had paid 5.25 lacs which include the booking amount, first and second installment. The details of the payments are as follows.

a. Booking amount of rs 1, 50,000 paid vide cheque no 628373 DT 17th April 2006 drawn on Punjab National Bank. The above payment is acknowledged vide receipt no 214 DT 24/04/06.

b. The first installment of rs 1, 87,500 was paid to M.Tech Developers vide cheque no 515168 DT 14/03/07 drawn on Syndicate Bank towards the project in Camellia Garden Bhiwadi. The receipt of the payment is acknowledged vide receipt on MY/CG-001/19/1801 DT 23/03/2007.

c. The second installment of rs 1, 87,500 was paid vide cheque no 709418 DT 01.07.08 drawn on the ICICI bank. The above payment is acknowledged vide receipt no 18615 DT 14/07/08.

I had received a fake provisional allotment letter from M Tech developers allotting a flat no 704 on 7th floor measuring 1500 sqft in tower beeta-5 at Camellia Garden-I Bhiwadi. The said tower beeta-5 at Camellia Garden Bhiwadi has not been planned, no documents have been submitted for approval and no construction has started for the said tower. As on today the project is abandoned. This is cheating and fraud.

I had submitted the refund form with all the required documents as requested by M Tech developers on 12/12/11. I have been regularly following up with M.Tech developers (Mr. Amit Jha & Mr. Arvind Aggarwal) for the refund of the money. But they refuse to pay the money.

On account of your aforesaid non allotment of flat no 704 on 7th floor measuring 1500 sqft in tower beeta-5 at Camellia Garden-I Bhiwadi. M Tech Developers are hereby liable called upon to –

Refund my deposited amount of rs 5.25 lacs with 18% interest.
Pay compensation for the mental agony/injury suffered and financial loss due to your negligence in sum of rs 1,00,000.

I request the Economic offences Wing and Competition Act commission to take strict action against the M Tech Developers Limited for this cheating and fraud.

Best regards
Brigadier SK Aggarwal.


8 responses to “Complaint against M Tech Developers Limited for Cheating and Fraud”

  1. m tech dev. has cheated more than 500 investors and all their projects are standing still / abandon , they are guilty of over bookings of all their projects and that is the reason for not launching the projects, because if that is done , then they will be exposed , now the only way is to report the matter to EOW , mandir marg p.s, new delhi ,who are handling their case and to the CCI , competetion commission of india , also , consumer court , but that is very slow process nearly 2 years , their court date in high court is now 9th Aug. 2012 , lets hope for the best
    best regards , yashpal

  2. Harsh Parekh Avatar
    Harsh Parekh

    Hello to all investors,

    I would like to assist you in your case as you have to send a legal notice through an advocate under your instructions and on your behalf & then file a complaint case against M-Tech Developers Ltd. under the provisions of consumer protection act, 1986 in the district consumer forum new delhi in order to receive back your initial booking/Registration amount along with interest and compensation from such builders.The case takes about one and half years to complete the whole case. I am handling such type of cases against M-Tech Developers Ltd. Apart from this some people have filed criminal complaints against the company in the economic offence wing against M-Tech Developers Ltd. I am also handling court case against M-Tech Developers Ltd. and directors of M-Tech Developers Ltd. If you feel interested then you can contact me for initiating a legal action against M-Tech Developers Ltd.. Also would like to get the refund of your money invested from courts. Recently some investors have received their money from courts.

    You can further contact me on

    looking forward to hear more from you at the earliest.


    Harsh Parekh
    9971780620 (M)

  3. i am also among you suffering fraud from this company.

  4. Anit Sharma Avatar
    Anit Sharma

    I have also paid 3 lacs to Mtecheck Developor Neither I got refund nor flat Please guide me

  5. Hi all investors,
    All are requested to come together and make list of total cheated customers and file a joint case omit M-Tech delelopers.
    Mr. Mahander Sharma and Mr. Amit Jha should behind the bars like SHARA managing director.
    We have to request the center govrnment to make this sector under structure sector and resolve investors problems.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Brijesh Rao
    (Cheated by M-Tech)

  6. Are anybody left who have not yet received the amount.Even I am a victim of Mtech.Pl help me..join me to fight them

  7. Are anybody left who have not yet received the amount.Even I am a victim of Mtech.Pl help me..join me to fight them 9560243903

  8. Even I am a victim.Is anybody left who has not received the help me…join me to fight them

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