Paid Channels not available

Dish TV India offered me Non Stop Pack for 3 Years with a channel list that will be available for 3 years. And I have paid for the same on July 2017. But now since March 2019 Dish TV stopped some of those listed channels. And after long conversation dish TV officially denied to provide those channels what I have paid for. They asking for payment again for those channels what I have paid for.
As per Dish TV information DD removed 9 channels from free listing so they are unable to provide those channels to me. But Dish TV removed other channels also from my subscription.
Dish TV blaming to TRI, Broadcaster and Channels. But I have no concern with that. Dish TV offered a pack to me and I have paid for that for 3 years. If dish TV is not authorised to get payment for those channels for 3 years then why they got payment from me? It is a case of false advertising and fraudulent with consumers from Dish TV end. I have been using Dish TV for 10 years appropriately.


One response to “Paid Channels not available”

  1. Dear Subrata,

    Hope you are doing good.

    We regret the inconvenience caused to you. Please write to us about your concern with your VC number and registered mobile number at and we will put all our efforts in trying to help you out.

    Online Team

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