Refund not received

Order ID: 22179197618

Order Placed on 08 Jun, 2018

Item: JQX 4000 mAh Battery For Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100, P3113, P3110 & SP4960C3B

Order delivered: 15 Jun, 2018

Return Request initiated: 17 June, 2018 (Return could be issued within 7 days from the date of the product being delivered. That means return request was closed on 23 Jun, 2018)

Return request closed on: 23 Jun , 2018

I have placed an order for an Jqx 4000mAh battery for samsung galaxy tab 2. The reason for the return was that the product was damaged and defective.The pick-up boy came but refused to take back the product on grounds of “unoriginal product” according to himself. Subsequently I have informed the Snapdeal people via email ([email protected]) to reschedule the return.Reply from them takes about 1 day to arrive, meaning 1 more day is lost from return window (23 Jun, 2018). On 20th June, 2018, they sent me a mail for reschedule.
They sent me this, ‘We value the importance of your concern. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience you have experienced. Your item will be picked up within next 2-3 days since 20-Jun-2018. If you require any further assistance, feel free to reply to this email. We’d be glad to help you.”

Nobody came to pick up the item within 2-3 days and of course I informed them and 23 Jun, 2018 came by and hence according to their plan, they closed return request window. I have been sending mails after mails, but they keep rescheduling the pick-up and as usual nobody turns up.
Today on 26 June, 2018, they have sent me this-“We have not received any response regarding your JQX 4000 mAh Battery For Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3100, P3113, P3110 & SP4960C3B!
We had to pick up your item to initiate refund/replacement. It seems you no longer want to return it. Thus we are closing your request.Reference no: 47879836”
Technically, they have already closed the return window on 23rd June. Such irresponsible and carefree company!

I have done online shopping before but never faced any such humiliation from anybody except Snapdeal. Snapdeal is such a fraud company.


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