worng information provided

the pro is my 2g is not working as gud as it should work i use 2g just bcoz of i dont use much browsing i just only use whts app or fb all the time and sumtimes email checking so where ever i need fast browsing i get small 3g pack for only little work … so3g is not working on sim so when i called a costume care to activate my 3g they said its alrdy ativated on my no. i called 3 time they and rhet said all the time 3g is active onmy fone but when i send a manual massge to activte 3g on fone its replyed 3g service os not ativte on your no, dat mean dey r lieing all the time just bcoz i desnt recharge a big amount of pack so i want a quick action or i will write a RTI against airtel broadband


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