A very bad internet broad band services

I have enrolled as a member for availing broad band connection from city fibre ltd at mysore since January,2016. I am using the broad band connection for the purpose of stock market online trading & is very much dependent for running my life. but the services provided by this company is very poor & when inquired they are giving some lame excuses. many times they do not answer our calls. Many times broad band connection will get suddenly cut or speed of net is 0.25 mb where as i have registered for uninterrupted connectivity of 2 mbps speed.but every month they will come for collection of Rs.500/- monthly charges. if we do not give they reduce our speed to lower than 566 kbps. so far monthly charges were given by me properly. if i leave there company membership they will retain my Rs.2500/- given for modem charges given at the time of registration. So it bothers me.they are not worried since even if i leave the membership they are not bothered. kindly help me to resolve this


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