Worthless software!

Absolutely worthless! We are using this “Payroll software” and now, during the financial year end process, calculations are going heywire! Under Tax analysis, as per IT act, an employee can avail a benefit of Rs. 2Lakhs/PA towards Housing Loan interest. But in this software, it is accepting whatever value / amount an employee is inputting. Eg: If an employee has declared 3 Lakhs, the software is providing benefits for the entire amount which bypasses the IT (Income Tax) act. This is not the case with other provisions , example 80C/80D etc,where in the software has a ceiling limit and the declaration above the limit is not calculated towards IT benefits. Now we have found a case with an employee who is heading an entire division in our Organization. He has declared his housing loan interest as 2.90 Lakhs and the software has allowed the benefit for the entire amount. Whereas, it should have been only for 2 Lakhs. Here, his tax deduction has increased 4 times the usual amount and he is really disturbed as it is going to be a huge financial barring. PS. This is not the only case. There are many more that we have found due to the same error. Usually, manual errors are rectified using a software, but in this case we have to check for errors done by the software, manually.


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