Port out not allowed by idea


I am Viveck and has been trying to port out my two No’s. 9130002044/55 from idea to vodafone for better net connectivity & services. idea did port out my 1 no. ending wth 55 to vodafone but they didnt allow me to port out no. ending wth 44. raised a request atleast 10 times they gave some or the other reason and more than once they had no reason spoke to their manager still no resolution. for port out once they told me to pay 40rs unbilled amt. i paid 200rs. still the port out didnt happen. i checked wth vodafone they saying idea stopped the porting & they have no issues to port my no. in. i really dont know who do i talk to now. tired of calling idea customer care n their stores but everything is in vain. please help me to sue idea.

thanks & regards
viveck jadhav


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