Fraud charges since months!!!

It has been 4-5 months, my vodafone bill is being shooting upto 3-5000 a month!!! While earlier, with the same postpaid plan, and same amount of usage by my end, my bill hardly ever exceeded Rs 600.
Though i have been paying the amount every month thinking there might be some discrepancy and i have no time to deal with them, it’s easier to just pay the money; these chumps don’t seem to stop!
To top it, their seemingly illiterate staff keeps calling in the middle of our working hours ALL DAY LONG; and when i tried to take out time to talk and convey to her that there must be a discrepancy that they need to check, SHE JUST HUNG UP!
What do you thing you are doing? If only I had time to spare, i would have very well sued them by now, not just for overcharging, more so for wasting my time and sabbotaging my work and for the SO VERY disgusting way their lady talks on phone.


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