Vodafone Fraud Billing with Shot Format Charges

Vodafone No : 8297706699
Billing Month : Sep 2014
Issue : Shot Format Charges which was never done for Rs 99 charged in bill
Question : What is this tell me from where it was downloaded ? Tell me the procedure how I can get charged with Rs 99 again by doing the same — Vodafone is unable to provide the replication steps.

I was surprised to see a charge of Rs 99 on this month bill as “Shot format charges” on 10-Sep-2014 at around 3:23 pm.
First of all, I hardly use the 2G connection on my mobile and the phone was not used to download any such thing, secondly there was nothing such downloaded on my mobile and neither I can see them now and neither there is anything under the download folder under root.

I have a 2G plan of 1GB as part of my vodafone plan so then what it is ?

I had called-up your customer care and asked them how does it happen, their explanation was there was something downloaded from external web site, so I asked them any XYZ website where such things can be downloaded and where-in the vodafone cell no gets charged, they were unable to provide me the same. I asked them to provide any example and was trying the same to replicate it through my another vodafone no, but they were unable to provide me the same and asked to write to you.

As per my understanding, when you wish to download anything then you need to provide your credit card no and my credit card will get charged for any downloading, have never came across any such charges in my last 10+ years of mobile phone post paid usage.

This seems to be a malpractices going on at vodafone to increase their revenue.

Appreciate if you can immediately reverse such charges and ensure me that this will never happen in future, alternatively I will be bound to switch over to some other service providers.


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