Refused to get help by the service provider when the cellphone is still within the warranty period.

Location/place: Kolkata

Name of company/service: Sony

Dear Sir,
I have purchased a new cell phone (Sony Xperia E). I have bought this cellphone 4 months ago and from the time I have bought it not even one application is running smoothly they are getting hang and pause most of the time, it is very disturbing and irritating. I told my problem to the retailer from whom I purchased my cellphone and he told its indeed software problem so I must go to the service center as soon as possible. So I came to the service center (E-Mall near Chandni Chok metro station, Kolkata) and told the same problem, they gave a glance at my cell and told me that “there was a white indicator on your cellphone which has turned red due to water intervention and so your warranty period has expired and you have to pay 8,000 for repairing it (my cell is worth of Rs. 10,000) “, but when I bought my cellphone they didn’t tell me that their was such kind of a thing, even the instruction book and the warranty card given along with the cellphone have nothing written in it to make me aware of it, if they would have mentioned me before then I would have checked the indicator at the time of purchase but now when no instruction was given to me then how will know that the indicator is not red from before, it may be red from before only. I told them “I am a Samsung and Nokia customer and this is the first time I am buying a Sony product so how will I know that there was such kind of indicator if would I have known I would have taken care of it” I told them “I don’t need a new cellphone just upgrade my phone software” but they wont listen.They told me that if they will repair my cellphone it would go against their company policies, so my questions are why I was not made aware of the policies before, why it was hidden, why they didnt clearly stated the policies beforehand. Then I called the senior officer and he is also telling me the same thing. He even said that your cell may be defected from beforehand, so did I paid for a damaged cellphone? After a long argument he gave me a serial number (13080501906) and told me to visit again the same service center but when I reached over there again the same story started so why he told me to go to the service center again if they are not going to solve my problem. This is how I am harassed for a whole day.
Please sir kindly look into my matter as soon as possible Then I’ll be very thankful to you.
Thanking You,
Anup James Mondal


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