Wrong biscuits in wrong packet

Location/place: Merujeen housing complex, Flat B/136, narendrapur kolkata 700103

Name of company/service: Swissyum

I purchased two packets of miss cookies biscuits company’s name Swissyum on 07.05.13 from a departmental store namely 7 to 11 loctated at narendrapur kolkata 700103. . The first Packet details Net weight-150GM, Packed On-12.04.13, Batch no.-13412. Second Packet details Net weight-150gm, Packed on-28.02.13, Batch no.-13228. In the first packet Exotic Almond cookies biscuits where found properly but in the second packet batch number-13228 instead of exotic almond cookies biscuits some other biscuits were intact in the packet. Though i repeatedly contacted with the company they didn’t reply. Sir i want justice as soon as possible because i think this type of companies are cheating the public’s. Sir please look at this matter.


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